Piccolo d'Amore Italian

Audsley lists this stop with the following description:

The true Octave of the Flauto d'Amore, 4 ft. It is a softly-voiced flute-toned stop of 2 ft. pitch, properly formed of half-covered wood pipes of small scale, from CC to C2, and thence to top note in small-scale open metal pipes, preferably of Spitzflöte form.

Irwin also lists it, saying:

A soft, half-covered Flute of 2' manual pitch, which is sometimes given the structure of a Flûte d'Amour: small-scale rectangular wooden pipes with narrow brass rohrs in their stoppers. Its refined and gentle tone is useful in the Choir Organ, perhaps the Echo.


Osiris contains only a single example:

Piccolo d'Amore 2', Echo; St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Hanover, Pennsylvania, USA; Austin 1925.


Audsley[1]: Piccolo d'Amore. Audsley[2]: I.XIII Piccolo d'Amore. Irwin[1]: Piccolo d'Amore.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
PiccoloDAmore.html - Last updated 12 October 2000.
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