Nasardos Spanish

Grove describes this stop as follows:

A term probably derived from 16th-century French and Flemish usage to denote either the single mutation ranks (Octave, Quint, or Tierce) making up the Corneta or, more importantly, the chorus/solo Mixture; a kind of bass version of the treble Corneta, found over the centuries on most Iberian organs.

Williams defines it as “a chorus or solo Mixture, usually a bass version of the treble Corneta Reale”. Sumner says “the Spanish nasardos is usually a quint mixture”. See Claron.


Osiris contains two dozen examples. Two (from the same organ) are single 2-2/3' ranks. The others are mixtures of II to V ranks. Examples whose composition is known are given below.

Nasardos III (12, 15, 17), Manual I; Parroquia de San Martín, Lesaca, Navarra, Spain; Roqués 1891.

Nasardos III (15, 17, 19), Manual; Mission San José, Freemont, California, USA; Rosales 1990.

Nasardos II (12, 17), manual right; Santo Domingo convent, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain; 1800's.

Nasardos 2-2/3', manual; Santa María, Ateca, Zaragoza, Spain; 1802. (This stop is available independently on both sides of a split manual.)


Grove[1]: Nasardos. Sumner[1]: Nasard. Williams[1]: Glossary: Nasardo.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Nasardos.html - Last updated 16 January 2003.
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