Larigot French
Diez y Novena Spanish
Diezmonovena Spanish
Flageolet (unknown)
Largo (unknown)
Nasath (unknown)
Petit Nasard French
Sifflöte German

These names are given to a mutation stop of 1-1/3' pitch. While many sources equate the Larigot with the Nineteenth, properly speaking the former is a flute and the latter a principal. The Larigot originated in 16th-century France; the name comes from l'arigot, a French word denoting a small flute or flageolet. While Williams places it in the Grand Orgue or Positif of the classical French organ, Bedos states that it is only found in the Positif where it is a full compass stop. It could be open or tapered. Bedos names it the highest pitch in the organ, and Douglass reports that it was higher than the highest pitches found in either the Fourniture or Cymbale. The Larigot was introduced to England by Renatus Harris in the 17th century.

There are other, more common meanings for the name Flageolet, and another meaning for Petit Nasard.


The most common name by far is Larigot, with 350 examples listed in Osiris, though five are mixtures of II or III ranks, and three are (possibly erroneously) at 2' pitch. Osiris contains 13 examples of Diez y Novena; the earliest ones are listed below. The same source contains one example of Nasath. Of the 150 examples of Flageolet[t] listed in Osiris, only two are at 1-1/3' pitch. About 10% of the examples of Sifflöte and its variants in Osiris are at 1-1/3' pitch. No examples are known of Diezmonovena or Petit Nasard.

Diez y Novena 1-1/3', Manual Left; San Pedro, Tordesillas, Valladolid, Spain; Pérez 1720.

Diez y Novena 1-1/3', Manual Left; Parroquia de San Miguel, Carcar, Navarra, Spain; Mañeua 1736.

Flageolet 1-1/2', Bovenmanuaal; Grote of Bavokerk, Haarlem, Netherlands; Müller 1738.

Flageolet 1-1/3', Bombarde; Cathedral Church of St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne, England; Nicholson 1981.

Larigot 1-1/3', Great; Church of St. Sepulchre, Holborn (Snow Hill), London, England; Harris 1670.

Larigot [1-1/3'], Positif; Basiliek, St. Hubert, Belgium; Picard 1685.

Largo 1-1/3', Brustwerk; St. Paul's University Church, Leipzig, Germany. This is the only known example of this name; the organ dates from the time of Bach.

Nasath 3', Oberpositiff; St. Stephanskirche, Tangermünde, Germany; Scherer 1624. This is the only known example of this name.

Sound Clips

See the Sound Files appendix for general information.

Quinte 1-1/3', Great First Baptist Church, Riverside, California, USA Schantz, 1966 arpeggio


Adlung[1]: §135 Decima nona, §136 Disdiapente, §179 Quinta. Audsley[1]: Decima; Larigot; Nineteenth; Octave. Audsley[2]: I.XIII Diezmonovena; Larigot; Nineteenth; Octave. Bedos[1]: § 157, 172, 250, 266. Bonavia-Hunt[1]: Nineteenth. Douglass[1]: 82-83, 85-87, 91-92, 96, 111, 113. Grove[1]: Diez; Larigot; Nineteenth. Hopkins & Rimbault[1]: § 618. Irwin[1]: Nineteenth. Locher[1]: Larigot. Maclean[1]: Larigot. Skinner[1]: XII Larigot. Sumner[1]: Larigot; Nineteenth. Wedgwood[1]: Decima Nona; Diezmonovena; Larigot. Williams[1]: Glossary: Decem; Diez; Larigot; Nasardo; Octava.
Copyright © 2004 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Larigot.html - Last updated 1 October 2004.
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