Hörnlein German

Audsley lists this stop with the following descriptions:

According to Seidel, this name has been used to designate the Gemshorn Fifteenth, or Small Horn; but in an Organ constructed by John Geissler, for the Cathedral of Lucerne, the Hörnlein was a soft reed stop of 8 ft. pitch.
The name employed, according to Schlimbach (1843), to designate a manual stop, of 2 ft. pitch, which may be either of the Gemshorn or the Nachthorn tonality. Such a stop, both as a harmonic-corroborator and timbre-creator, would be found valuable in artistic registration, furnishing a vivid contrast to the Piccolo, 2 ft.

Wedgwood also lists it with some alternative definitions:

The Hornlein is either (1) a small 8 ft. reed (e.g., Lucerne); (2) an octave Horn; (3) a Spitzflöte; or (4) a Nachthorn.

Sumner gives yet another definition, a compound stop which we describe under the synonym Hornle.

Compare with Hornbässlein.


Osiris contains but a single example:

Hörnlein 1' [flue], Positiv; Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo, Japan; von Beckerath 1983.


Audsley[1]: Hörnlein. Audsley[2]: I.XIII Hörnlein. Wedgwood[1]: Gemshorn; Hörnlein.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Hornlein.html - Last updated 5 October 2000.
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