Echo Gedeckt English/German

Listed only by Irwin, who says:

An unusually soft form of Gedeckt, at 16', 8', or 4' manual pitch, made from either wood or metal pipes. It sounds almost pure fundamental, and can furnish this ground tone to such soft stops as the Echo Gamba, Dulciana, or Dolcan. It is a poor accompaniment stop because its pitch is not apparent even to listeners close to the organ.
Compare with Echo Stopped Flute.


Echo Gedeckt 8', Echo Pedal; St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City, USA; Kilgen 1930.

Echo Gedeckt 16', Gallery Echo Pedal; First Congregational Church, Los Angeles, California, USA; Skinner/Schlicker/Moller 1995.


Irwin[1]: Echo Gedeckt.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
EchoGedeckt.html - Last updated 30 May 2000.
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