Conoclyte Greek?

Listed only by Wedgwood, who says:

Conoclyte - (Gr.) kônos = a cone; kluô = I hear; klutos = audible (?). 8ft.
    At Beauvais Cathedral (1827-1829) were introduced the first examples of the modern type of organ free reed, viz., Conoclyte, Terpomele and Euphone. The two last are rendered expressive by a device for varying the wind pressure. The Conoclyte, which speaks on a fixed pressure, is composed of tin pipes of Gemshorn (tapering) shape. In tone it is a sort of combination of Bassoon and Clarinet.


Wedgwood[1]: Conoclyte.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Conoclyte.html - Last updated 7 March 2000.
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